Lilyville Surgery
630 Fulham Road London SW6 5RS
Entrance on Lilyville Road, off of Fulham Road
Time: 17 October – 14 November
Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri 11am-1pm and 2.30pm – 3.30pm. Wed 11am-1.00pm
or by appointment: Ms. Linda Gilson (020 7731 9388)
Contact: Curator Lois Olmstead email: lolmstead @ gmail . com tel: 0779 128 4039
Francesca Cho is a widely exhibited artist in the UK and abroad, including her homeland, the Republic of Korea. For the past fifteen years she has lived and worked in London.
Transcending notions of difference, Francesca Cho’s paintings address universal ideals of spirituality and hope. Referencing landscape through atmospheric and symbolic signifiers, Cho’s paintings invoke the real world yet transcend it. Rather, the nuanced textures and bold treatment of colour map an emotive internal environment: faith, joy, safety, and an intense contemplative stillness.
Old Paintings in Surgery revisits a series of smaller scale works by Cho, their life-affirming subject matter relevant and needed in these turbulent times. Flashes of bright colour permeate darkness, abstract trees dot neutral backdrops; references of life and light are found in each painting. It is the contrast of these elements: bold and subtle, dark and light, bright and subdued, that add complexity and poignancy to Cho’s enduring message of the positivity of human existence.

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