Jee Soo Shin in Oze escapade series 1 – 3


O:Ze is created by two composers who specialise in contemporary music. The primary interest of the group is to embody compositions that contain visual and spacial elements and to give platform for performances of such works, which are mostly ill-fitted in a traditional concert venue. The name O:Ze comes from the french verb oser.

The Seoul-Foundation-of-Arts-and-Culture-funded inaugural event will take place on the 8th of October in Seoul Art Space Mullae, where acoustic avant-garde will be showcased and given chance for a wider audience. O:Ze also aims to engage in collaborative projects with visual artists and dancers to create a pool of multi-disciplinary artists, and to explore the meaning of music performance in a contemporary society.

Co-executive, project coordinator, web editor, translator and composer Jee Soo Shin studied piano and composition during her middle- and high-school days at Sun-Hwa Art School, and BA in composition at Seoul National University. During her study at the university, she performed many of her pieces at various concerts in Korea, including the New Artists’ Concert held in Sejong Arts’ Centre in Seoul. She studied composition and music theory at the University Mozarteum in Salzburg and won a Raiffeisen-Klassik-Preis in 2004. She finished her studies in 2006 with distinction, which lead her to win a Bernhard-Paumgartner Medal. Her works have been performed in Korea, Austria, Switzerland, Serbia, United Kingdom and South Africa.

Jee Soo Shin is awarded PhD at University of Southampton from her study with Michael Finnissy. Her works can be heard at

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