Sarah E. Choi (ceramic artist)

Sarah E.Choi: London & Its Shadows
Sarah E.Choi: London & Its Shadows

Sarah achieved a BA in sculpture at Ewha Womans University in Korea and she then studied for a MA in Fine Art at the University of West England. She had a private art studio in Dorset and led the Milbourne Port Art Group. She is now a resident artist at ASC Kingston Studio. Several of her works have recently been on show at various galleries and venues in London. She prefers the hand-building technique as it is ideal for engendering a more human touch that can be expressed through sculptural effects. The mix of ethnicities is a rich source for the illustrations she draws and paints on her hand-built stoneware, especially in its joyous detail, it is a celebration of London – one of its most splendid multi ethnic cities of the world, possessing its amazing beauty and diversity. She states “To me, the city is ever pulsing and vibrant. I take my inspiration from my fondness for the city’s unique architectural scenes and I overlay what I do with a sensitivity to the humanity of its teeming millions”.

She treats the vessels as though they are 3D canvases, applying glazes, under-glazes, oxides, slips and various materials as the process continues of building, drawing, cutting, engraving, colouring, glazing, firing etc…

Selected Exhibitions

  • Abstractions and Figurations: 22 – 28 February, 2016, 54 The Gallery, 54 Shepherd Market, Mayfair, London
  • KAOS 10, Group Exhibition: Craft Central Gallery, 20 -25 October 2015, St John’s Square, London
  • ‘Selfies’ : An Exhibition of Self Portraits, The Art Space at Cass Art, 103 Clarence Street, 6-14 June 2015
  • Surrey Artists Group Exhibition : 19 May – 4 June 2015, Lewis Elton Gallery, University of Surrey, Guilford
  • Stone Projects – Northern Attitudes Exhibition: December 2014 – January 2015, Kingston Museum, London
  • London We Live In: Solo Exhibition, 12th December 2014 – 31st January 2015, West Hampstead, London