The Korean Artists Association UK was formed by 7 Korean artists in 1997, at a time when the activities of Korean artists in the U.K. were not broadly recognized. Over the last 10 years the Association has organized a number of activities and has grown in membership.
Korean artists living and working in the UK have for a long time expressed the desire to have a body represent them. We are very grateful to be able to introduce Korean artists to Britain through an ‘Evening of Korean Culture’ to be held at the Korean Cultural Centre on 27 June 2008.
The Korean Artists Association UK held its first exhibition in 1999, and its most recent central London event was an evening of Chuseok festivities at Asia House in 2006. They now bring you an ‘Evening of Korean Culture’ at the Korean Cultural Centre. This will be a fabulous opportunity to see some of the beauty and variety of Korea’s artistic scene, with a varied programme of dance, traditional and contemporary music, poetry and the martial arts. There will also be an exhibition by talented artists.
1997년, 한국예술인들의 활동이 폭넓게 알려지지 못하고 있던 영국에서 7명의 한인예술인을 중심으로 재영예술인회가 설립되었습니다.
본격적인 활동이 시작된 1998년 이후, 지난 10년 동안 크고 작은 일들을 겪으면서 저희 예술인회는 성장해 왔습니다.
자신의 전문 분야에서 한국 전통 및 현대 예술을 세계에 알려온 재영예술인들의 숙원사업중 하나였던 한국 문화원의 개원으로 보다 나은 환경에서 전시 및 공연 등을 기획할 수 있게 되어 더없이 기쁜일이 아닐수 없습니다.
저희 예술인회는 이번 행사를 통해 순수와 열정으로‘한국 안에 품고 있는 세계’를 알리고 ‘세계가 기대하는 한국의 참 아름다움’을 알리는 ‘세계 문화인들의 교류의 장’으로 재영예술인회가 한발 앞서 나아가고자 합니다.
The programme for the evening is as follows:
6:30 Refreshments
7:00 Introduction by Mr Philip Gowman and welcome message from H.E. Ambassador Chun Yung-woo
7:05 – 8:00 Performance, recitation and demonstration by KAAUK members:
- So Ra Lee (Violin)
- Roger Norkie (Violin)
- Jieun Park (Piano)
- Hye Kyoung Park (Poetry Recitation)
- Ji Eun Jung (Korean Traditional Harp – Kayagum)
- Sung Min Jeon (Guitar)
- Sunnee Park (Korean Traditional Dance)
- Seung Soo Ha (Martial Art – Taekwondo)
8:00 Closing Message by Chairman of KAAUK
8:10 Food, Drinks & viewing of exhibition
Contact details
- Website: www.koreanartists.co.uk
- email – koreanartuk [at] gmail [dot] com
- tel – 07581 2561559
Supported by
- The Embassy of the Republic of Korea
- The Korean Cultural Centre
RSVP by email to koreanartuk [at] gmail [dot] com