Chelsea Postgraduate Summer Show: Jean Kim (김전), Yonghyun Lim_Jackie (임용현), Joon Hwan Lim (임준환) & Sooji Shin (신수지)

Chelsea Postgraduate Summer Show

The show features work of graduating students from Chelsea’s MA courses and will be held across the college’s campus on Millbank, opposite Tate Britain and next to the River Thames.

Private View: Friday 7 September 2012, 6-9pm
Exhibition Dates: Saturday 8-Thursday 13 September 2012
Venue: Chelsea College of Art and Design, 16 John Islip Street, London SW1P 4JU

Jean Kim, Yonghyun Lim (Jackie), and Joon Hwan Lim are exhibiting in rooms CG11, CG01 and CLG17 respectively. Sooji Shin’s room sadly lacks a number.

Chelsea postgraduate show poster